Paddington (Qld) Rotary’s project in Arusha, Tanzania

December 2018

Jeanette, Julie and Pam Carne returned to Arusha to attend the graduation of one of their sponsor children. Unfortunately most of the schools were starting their break and that left only the School of St Jude and the East Meru Community School to provide us with personal feedback on the Teacher in a Box.

The School of St Jude runs a “Beyond St Jude Program” through which students can give back to the community for a year in return for assistance with their tertiary goals. Angela Bailey who runs the program was happy to report that past St Jude students were taking Teacher in a Box servers into government schools to improve the educational experience of the students.

Feedback from the East Meru Community school is provided in this interview.

January 2020

Mary Horne of East Meru Community School advised that ALL of their Standard 4 class passed their national exam with 26 students getting As and another 3 students getting Bs.

This is also the first year that EMCS has students graduating into secondary and all have been given a place at the nearby Maruvango Secondary School. Reports from their new headteacher are that the ex-EMCS students are currently “leading the class and helping their fellow students”. One teacher was heard to say that the students from EMCS “are challenging us a lot, they are very well prepared with lots of confidence”. The students have been given the nickname the “English teachers”!