Rotary Club of Blacktown City Inc. Alternative Learning System (ALS) Philippines
The Rotary Club of Blacktown City and the Rotary Club of Intramuros with the support of RI District 9675 bring ‘Teacher in the Box’ to young students in the Philippines.
On 29 June 2017, President Aries Balanay together with Past President Florencio Naguit of the Rotary Club of Intramuros demonstrated the ‘Teacher in the Box’ to the Teacher and the students of Alternative Learning System (ALS) of F. Benitez Elementary School in Tondo, Manila. The demonstration was made in the presence of the Area Supervisor of Department of Education and the School Principal. The KA Lite will serve as a tool to supplement their official curriculum as well as a tool to gauge the students’ progress. The school has a total of 75 students mostly teenagers in Elementary and High School levels.
On July 11, the Teacher in a Box laptop server, a smart TV and tablets were formally turned over to the ALS of F. Benitez Elementary School. The ALS students witnessed and tried on hand access to the KA Lite programs with the Smart TV, tablets as well as with their own cell phones.
The wide and varied selection of KA Lite educational programs in Teacher in the Box is expected to have a huge beneficial impact especially in places where there are limited teaching resources and limited or no access to internet. There is a bright prospect of being able to help the young students in the ALS School. According to the area supervisor of Department of Education, almost all the barangay schools in Metro Manila have their ALS program.